

A Swiss-based independent management consultancy, STIEHLE CONSULTING provides professional services and strategic advice relating to all aspects of public affairs. The core competency is counsel on the impact of macro-level policy trends and developments based on insights and intelligence gathering, research and analysis.

Services are tailored to the needs of national and international private sector companies and foundations, governments and government agencies, academic institutes, trade and industry associations as well as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The company was created in 2005 following the takeover of Michael Foley Associates.



International Organizations

STIEHLE CONSULTING advises clients on the role of Geneva-based international organizations, UN specialized agencies, commissions and programmes, and non-governmental organizations in international policy making. The focus is on the interrelationship between policy, science and international regulatory affairs. Services include the identification of opportunities for interaction; the provision of information, insights and intelligence on activities impacting a client's business; counsel on appropriate corporate response strategies; and the development of issue management programmes.

STIEHLE CONSULTING also engages in representational activities on behalf of governments, NGOs, trade associations, and corporations across diverse sectors with diplomatic missions accredited to the United Nations in Geneva and with Geneva-based international organizations including the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Government Relations

STIEHLE CONSULTING advises clients on all aspects of Government relations. Services cover intergovernmental organizations and include policy research and analysis; political monitoring; political auditing; counsel on interaction with intergovernmental institutions; representational activities; assessments of the impact of pending legislation; identification of legislation proponents, opponents and influencers; advice and support to issue coalitions and third-party endorsers; development of corporate responses on public policy issues; and briefings for interested parties.

Regulatory Affairs

STIEHLE CONSULTING advises clients on rules and regulations affecting private sector activity across diverse issue areas including public health, trade, commodities, energy, environment and telecommunications. Covering both the Swiss market and relevant activities of Geneva-based international organizations, services include counsel on the impact of current or pending regulation; contacts with regulatory authorities; stakeholder analysis; advice on the shaping of new or changing of current regulation; development of position papers; assistance to clients in hearings before or presentations to regulatory bodies; and the production of customer-tailored reports on regulatory activities, issues and developments.

Issues Management

STIEHLE CONSULTING assists clients in addressing public policy issues and in identifying issues in gestation. Services include monitoring and issue impact analyses; vulnerability and opportunity audits; identification of issue proponents and influencers; development of anticipatory issues management strategies and action plans; production of documentation for use with issue stakeholders; issue containment initiatives; and the creation of public issue campaigns.

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Phone: +41 22 328 71 69
Fax: +41 22 320 15 53


Place de la Gare 11
CH - 1296 Coppet